Introducing BitBot XL, taking the much-loved BitBot to the next level. We have made several changes, some subtle, some not so subtle, to give a much-improved experience of using and working with the BitBot.
The Microsoft Makecode Extension for Bit:Bot also works for BitBot XL. Go to the Advanced tab or the Tools gear icon and select Extensions, then search for BitBot. It can automatically detect while running which version you have, or you can force it to be the Classic BitBot or the new XL.
Microbit, Pen and Ultrasonic not included
Product Dimensions approx 10% larger in length and width
Chunky wheels
Ready - assembled. Battery pack permanently attached
Motor gearboxes fully covered - minimises fluff in the gears
Microbit mounted vertically
Uses standard breakout connector for ultrasonic breakout
Line sensors no longer share pins with the Microbit buttons - removes all Bluetooth pairing issues and allows use of buttons in your code
Pen holder is fitted as standard. Mounted directly over the pivot point for better drawing
Indicator LEDs added for line follower sensors
2 GVS outputs provided for potential servo usage with 5V power
Makecode extension has been changed so code is compatible with both Classic and XL versions
Buzzer now connected on Pin 0 so you can play music through it
And it still retains all these features from the classic BitBot:
2 micro-metal gear motors. Both fully controllable in software, for both speed (0 to 100%) and direction (forward or reverse)
Wheels with rubber tyres for maximum grip
Front ball caster
12 FireLeds in 2 sets of 6 along the arms either side. Select any colour for any pixel, produce stunning lighting effects as your Bit:Bot XL moves around
2 digital line following sensors. Code your own line-following robots and race them to see whose code produces the fastest lap time!
2 analog light sensors (front left and front right) so your Bit:Bot XL can be programmed to follow a light source such as a torch, or you could code it to go and hide in the darkest place it can find
Buzzer, so you can make beeping sounds or music whenever you want
Powered from integrated 3xAA battery holder with on/off switch and blue indicator LED
Easily plug your BBC micro:bit in and out using the vertical edge connector
Expansion connections at the front for accessories
Two GVS connectors with 5V for servos (shared with light sensors)