Be a leader for change!
We are a group of engaged IT buyers who want to create positive change in the IT industry. We believe the way to do it is to unite behind a set of sustainability principles that already guide our own organizations, and apply them to the IT that we buy. Quite simply, take leadership, use our buying power, and let sustainability guide our decisions.
It’s more than walking the talk. It’s about creating a movement. Join us!
Vattenfall’s Head of Sustainability Annika Ramsköld on the responsibility of IT buyers to help solve the climate and sustainability challenges of the global IT industry and how it can be done by joining forces within the initiative ASF Leadership for Change.
Recent activity
Report from meeting Jan 30, 2025
This meeting focused on planning meetings and activities for 2025. Members were divided into groups to discuss. It was decided to have 4–5 online meetings where each meeting has a theme and a desired outcome/actionable item.
Members also want to increase interaction between meetings.
Specific goals for 2025 are to continue to implement the Gameplan 2030 (see info below), produce the next set of best practices and to enhance dialogue and exchange with the industry by making Leadership for Change a natural “referral body”.
Next meeting will be about requirements in the tender processes and will take place on April 15.
Featured members
- "Hållbarhetsledarna: Så förändrar vi it"
- Södra: "Stora klimat- och kostnadsbesparingar när Södra förlänger livet på it-produkter" (in Swedish)
- Södertörns Högskola:"Så får varje dator ett nytt liv" (in Swedish)
- Vattenfall: "Ingen affär utan hållbarhet för Vattenfall" (in Swedish)
- Systembolaget "Stora hållbarhetsvinster för Systembolaget (in Swedish)
- H&M "Tuffa IT-krav gör H&M mer hållbart" (in Swedish)
Så kan samverkan mellan inköpare driva omställning
Statement of commitment
Through the Atea Sustainability Focus (ASF), the Nordic IT buyers send powerful messages to the global IT industry on how they believe the industry should advance its work on sustainability.
The initiative develops recommendations to the industry. Through Leadership for Change, we take this one step further to, in dialogue with the industry, turn those recommendations into concrete actions – committing even harder to bring about change.
Therefore we have joined forces and formed a partnership around making sustainability a guiding principle of how we source IT.
By uniting and agreeing on sustainability principles for procurement, we create a market opportunity for the IT industry to accelerate its sustainability transformation.
We will continuously put a higher emphasis on sustainability in decision making. We will align behind existing industry standards. We will set criteria that contribute to achieving the SDGs, the 1,5-degree target and a circular economy, including respect for human rights and designing for minimal material use and prolonged lifespan.
Within the partnership we share best practices on sustainability in procurement and actively seek dialogue with the industry to maintain focus on the most material issues.
Do you want to join us in bringing about real change?
We are the Leaders who have committed to create positive change in the IT industry by using our combined purchasing power.
How does it work?
ASF Leadership for Change aims to influence the global IT manufacturing industry to more sustainable practices regarding climate, circular economy and human rights. The collaboration among the members involves sustainability criteria only, and members are only expected to share how they address sustainability in procurement of IT and the effect.
Your commitment
By signing up, you commit to start implementing the principles outlined in the Statement of commitment in your procurement of IT.
You also commit to share your procurement practices regarding sustainability with the members and participate in network meetings. Moreover you are expected to complete an annual self-assessment on how well these principles are implemented in your organization.
By signing up you also agree to being public about your engagement and to having your organization’s name published on this web site.
Annika Ramsköld, Vice President Coroporate Sustainability at Vattenfall och Erik Nilsson, Sustainable IT Manager at H&M during the launch of ASF Leadership of Change in November 2020.
Network activities
The main event is the annual Learning Academy. It's a full-day hybrid meeting focused on peer-to-peer learning and to identify best practices.
In addition there are three to four online forum meetings. To a large extent, members decide the content of these, but they are also used to work on best practices (see below) and to listen to guest speakers.
Member organizations decide can invite several and different participants to the meetings depending on need and topic.
Best practices
By being transparent and sharing best practices with each other we can avoid making the same mistakes and adopt criteria and practices that actually work. In other words, if one of us invents the wheel, the rest can just start rolling. And better, we can help and inspire others that are at the beginning of their sustainability journey.
We therefore create best practice guides on different topics that builds upon what members have actually implemented.
Self assessment
To keep focus on the core ambition of the Leadership for Change and to track how the network is able to create impact, members are expected to complete an annual self assessment of how well the organization has implemented the principles in the Statement of Commitment.
Gameplan 2030 – a pioneering project
Atea’s role
Atea founded Atea Sustainability Focus which is the underlying initiative that brought together the buyers who now have formed the ASF Leadership for Change. Atea’s role is to coordinate and facilitate member activities. Atea has no influence over the content, and the principles in the Statement of Commitment are aimed at the global manufacturing IT industry.
Personal and organizational data connected to ASF Leadership of Change will not be used by Atea in any way.
Yes, we want to lead the change to a more sustainable IT industry!
Want to know more?