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Do you have a question? We're here to answer.

Information to you

Here you will find frequently asked questions and answers about how to report an error and what applies to repairs, warranties and returns when it comes to different types of products. 

Error reports can be registered around the clock. Registrations received after 17.00 will be processed the next working day. 

Move on to

➡️  Error Reporting

➡️  Warranty

➡️  Repair

➡️  Returns and Claims

Usable links

🔗  Error Reporting and Repair Products

🔗  Ateas General and Special Terms and Conditions

🔗  Ateas General Terms and Conditions for eShop

🔗  General Terms for Service and Support (only in Swedish)

My Atea

Simplify your working day and dialogue with us in our customer portal My Atea. You can, among other things, create an error report and follow the current status of your case.


Find over 250,000 IT products, licenses, cloud solutions and related services in our eShop. For example, you can see stock balances and compare products.

Error Reporting

I want to report an error with a product, how do I do that?

You can report an error with your product in My Atea. If you do not have an account in My Atea, you can apply for one here: Become a customer on Atea eShop. If you do not use My Atea, you can register your fault report via the form Error Reporting and Repair Products.

Please read the instructions before making your error report.

What do I need to consider before reporting an error with my product?

Before reporting an error, you need to find out the product's serial number, possibly the product number, and back up personal files such as photos, documents, music, etc. Also, follow specific instructions for autopilot-registered devices, as well as Apple mobile phones or tablets.

Please read points 10 and 11 in our Ateas General Terms and Conditions for eShop before registering your case, as well as the general terms for service and support (only in Swedish).

How do I report an error with an Apple mobile phone or tablet?

You can report an error with your Apple mobile phone or tablet in My Atea. If you do not have an account in My Atea, you can apply for one here: Become a customer on Atea eShop. If you do not use My Atea, you can register your error report via the form Error Reporting and Repair Products.

Before sending in an Apple device for repair or replacement, follow the instructions on this link.

If the device is part of "Apple Automated Device Enrollment," you also need to unassign* the device. Follow the instructions for Apple School Manager (only in Swedish) or Apple Business Manager (only in Swedish), which describe how to unassign. 

*Unassign is a function to remove the assignment/link of a device to an MDM server. For example, if a device is moved from one location to another, you can unassign it from an MDM server, meaning the device will not connect to a specific MDM server. 

How do I report an error with an autopilot-registered device?

You can report an error with your autopilot-registered device in My Atea. If you do not have an account in My Atea, you can apply for one here: Become a customer on Atea eShop. If you do not use My Atea, you can register your error report via the form Error Reporting and Repair Products. Before sending in an autopilot-registered device for repair, it needs to be deregistered from the Autopilot program. Follow the instructions on this link.


What is an autopilot-registered device and how do I know if my device is autopilot-registered?

An autopilot-registered device is a device that has been registered with the Windows Autopilot service. Windows Autopilot is a cloud-based service that simplifies the deployment of new devices. When a device is registered with Autopilot, it can be configured and managed automatically when it is started for the first time. Atea can see if your business uses Windows Autopilot when we have helped set up the service, but we cannot see whether the service is active on your specific product. To check if your device is autopilot-registered, you should first contact your internal IT function or equivalent administrator role within your organization who can confirm whether the service is available and active on the device.

I want to report transport damage to one or more products, how do I do that?

Please read point 8 in Atea's General and Special Terms and Conditions before reporting your issue to customer service via chat or Please provide the following information so that we can handle your inquiry quickly and securely:

  • Order number
  • Written description of the transport damage
  • A picture of the transport damage
  • Pictures of the inner and outer packaging
  • Comment on whether the damage was noted by the driver upon delivery
How do I see the status of my error report on products?

You can see the status of your error report in My Atea. If you do not have an account in My Atea, you can apply for one here: Become a customer on Atea eShop. If you do not get an answer to your question, you can contact customer service via and we will help you.



What is the warranty on this product and what does it cover?

Different products have different warranty conditions. When you report an error, we check the general warranty conditions for the current product or if you have specially agreed conditions. The general warranty covers original defects, i.e., defects that can be traced to errors that occurred in the factory and during the manufacture of the product.

How do I know if a product is covered by warranty?

Contact customer service via and we will help you. If there is no warranty, you can get a cost estimate.

How do I see the status of my warranty case?

You can follow your warranty cases in My Atea. If you do not get an answer to your question, you can contact customer service via and we will help you. Please provide the following information so that we can handle your request quickly and securely:

  • Case number 
How long is the resolution time for errors covered by warranty conditions?

The resolution time depends on the complexity of the problem, the type of product, and whether spare parts are available from the manufacturer or supplier.


Is there any cost for resolving errors covered by warranty conditions?

If the resolution falls under the warranty conditions, there is no cost except for any shipping cost to send the product to our workshop. This applies unless otherwise agreed.

What do I do with a defective product whose warranty has expired?

We can offer service and repair on products even if the warranty has expired. Create an error report for your product, and you can get a cost estimate before deciding on further action.

You can report your device in My Atea. If you do not have an account in My Atea, you can apply for one here: Become a customer on Atea eShop. If you do not use My Atea, you can register your error report Error Reporting and Repair Products.

What is covered by the warranty?

The product warranty covers manufacturing defects and material defects from the manufacturer that affect the product's function. Some manufacturers also offer the option to purchase extended protection for products, such as protection against accidental damage. Check the documentation that came with your product at the time of purchase. 

If you need help determining what is covered by the warranty for your product, you can contact customer service via and we will help you. Please provide the following information so that we can handle your request quickly and securely:

  • Serial number



How do I get help with repairing a product and what does it cost?

You can register your repair case in My Atea. If you do not have an account in My Atea, you can apply for one here: Become a customer on Atea eShop. If you do not use My Atea, you can register your repair case via the form Error Reporting and Repair Products. If the case is deemed to be a warranty case, there are no costs except for any shipping costs.

Can I get help from Atea to repair a product?

Yes, Atea is an authorized service provider with certified personnel to perform repairs for several major manufacturers on the market. Create a repair case and we will help you

You can register your repair case in My Atea. If you do not have an account in My Atea, you can apply for one here: Become a customer on Atea eShop. If you do not use My Atea, you can register your repair case via the form Error Reporting and Repair Products.